Sunday, March 14, 2010


As weird as this may sound, I have been ready to get back to blogging. I have been in such of a habit of blogging that Sunday night I was trying to figure out our blogging assignment when I realized we didn't have any but I must admit that gave me joy.

The poem, My Tea with Madame Descartes was a very interesting read to open back up the semester after our break. At first glance I was wondering because of the title if it had any relation to the philosopher of Descartes, but I did not see much relation within the poem. I thought the author's descriptions of the scene of having tea was very descriptive and very interesting. I thought the images painted a picture for me to see and imagine much like some of the authors we have previously read. One quote that really painted an image for that I liked was,
"Yet her beauty was singular,
Volcanic, viscous... as inevitable as lava moving slowly
Toward you."
This line was so descriptive, I could see this beautiful woman just chilling in the cafe. I also thought the dialogue definitely helped progress the poem and build a small story line. Overall it was a pretty decent movie. I just realized this post was 2 minutes post and I hope Prof. Corrigan will have some mercy.


  1. Eventhough Ive been getting used to blogging, I can honestly say I wasn't ready to start it up again, but its good that you were ready. I like that description in Madame Descartes poem as well! I thought all of the details in it were amazingly vivid.

  2. haha very nice intro and conclusion!
    It felt weird not to blog for a week, but I think it's helped to reboost my enthusiasm for blogging a bit.
    Agreed, this poem was difficult to understand but very well written.

  3. haha I just realized that I wrote "movie" in the last sentence instead of poem hah.

  4. Amen brother, I know just what your talking about.
