On the topics of images and imagery, Lewis covered both in chapter four. At one point he discussed the danger of images; even though they have importance I felt like he was saying that our images of reality cannot capture the absoluteness of everything, including the idea of God. I agree with the idea of God being unimaginable. I believe we can grasp some aspects of God but we as humans will never be able to see the full image of God in its entirety.
Just like in class when I believe it was Prof. Corrigan who discussed the idea of when God showed Moses his back because he would not be able to handle the greatness.
Back to the topic of Grief Observed, I was definitely intrigued by Lewis's description of grief being a long valley and hows it kept winding. I believe this is a very interesting image and the way he described it, it was fairly accurate.
I believe my favorite quote of this chapter would have to be, "Sorrow, however, turns out to be not a state but a process." I feel like he was saying that sorrow is just a phase not something one has to work through, but instead just wait it out. I somewhat agree, maybe we do not have to try to work through sorrow but instead... give in to sorrow and feel the grief. I'm not sure if that is what he is trying to get across, but that is how I took the idea of sorrow being a state. Though, the idea of sorrow being a process has a strong argument as well. I believe sorrow has to do with personal perspective.